Dynamic irrigation scheduling
Dynamic irrigation scheduling
Irreo fornisce una programmazione dinamica dell'irrigazione attraverso l’elaborazione di un piano di irrigazione efficiente e realistico che prevede l’attivazione automatica dell’impianto irriguo solo quando necessario, per il tempo necessario, considerando il fabbisogno idrico della coltura, i vincoli dell'impianto e le tue preferenze in termini di turni e strategie.

Irreo provides dynamic irrigation scheduling, advising when and how much to irrigate considering the water requirements of your crop, the constraints of the irrigation system and the user's preferences in terms of watering shifts and strategies.

Every day, Irreo draws up an irrigation plan made up of a sequence of programmes that activate the pump and solenoid valves in the various sectors of your field only when necessary, for the time needed.
Irrigation is optimised on the basis of the water requirements of the plants, the constraints of the system and your preferences in terms of shifts and irrigation strategies.
You will have the possibility at any time to consult and, if necessary, modify the irrigation plan that the system will automatically initiate on your field, the start and end time of each irrigation shift, the sectors to be irrigated, the quantity of water in litres to be supplied to each sector and, if applicable, also the litres for each fertigation tank.
Every day, Irreo draws up an irrigation plan made up of a sequence of programmes that activate the pump and solenoid valves in the various sectors of your field only when necessary, for the time needed.
Irrigation is optimised on the basis of the water requirements of the plants, the constraints of the system and your preferences in terms of shifts and irrigation strategies.
You will have the possibility at any time to consult and, if necessary, modify the irrigation plan that the system will automatically initiate on your field, the start and end time of each irrigation shift, the sectors to be irrigated, the quantity of water in litres to be supplied to each sector and, if applicable, also the litres for each fertigation tank.
The 4 factors on which dynamic irrigation is based

1. Water balance
Irreo determines the water requirements of your crops by balancing the inputs and outputs of water from the root zone.
The main water inputs to the root zone are actual rainfall and net irrigation. The change in soil water storage in the root zone at a given time is due to water utilisation by the crop, i.e. evapotranspiration, and water loss due to percolation.
1. Water balance
Irreo determines the water requirements of your crops by balancing the inputs and outputs of water from the root zone. The main water inputs to the root zone are actual rainfall and net irrigation. The change in soil water storage in the root zone at a given time is due to water utilisation by the crop, i.e. evapotranspiration, and water loss due to percolation.

2. Plant constraints
Ogni impianto di irrigazione ha le sue caratteristiche: portata della pompa, portate dei settori, flussi differenti in base alla sezione dei tubi, etc.
Nella fase di elaborazione, Irreo tiene in considerazione le caratteristiche del tuo impianto, in modo da fornirti un piano di irrigazione realistico, che si adatti anche ai vincoli tecnici imposti dall’impianto irriguo.
Each irrigation system has its own characteristics, pump capacity, sector flow rates, different flows depending on pipe cross-section, etc. When recommending irrigation programmes Irreo also considers what your system looks like, so that we can propose a realistic irrigation programme that suits your crop but also the constraints of your irrigation system.

2. Plant constraints
Each irrigation system has its own characteristics, pump capacity, sector flow rates, different flows depending on pipe cross-section, etc. When recommending irrigation programmes Irreo also considers what your system looks like, so that we can propose a realistic irrigation programme that suits your crop but also the constraints of your irrigation system.
You will be able to indicate what your system consists of pumps, solenoid valves, master valves, pipes, sectors, general fertiliser, fertiliser tanks, etc. and tell us the output flow rates of each element, our intelligent dynamic irrigation programming system takes care of the rest.

3. Preferences and programs
Set when you have water availability through weekly or periodic scheduling, so you can indicate when Irreo can propose to you irrigations.
Other options:
- Time-based or volume-based irrigations
- Time or volume fertigation
- Simple or uniform fertigation
- Sequential or parallel fertigation of multiple fertilizers
3. Preferences and programs
You can set when you have water availability through weekly or periodic scheduling, so you can indicate when Irreo can propose to you irrigations.
Other options:
- Time-based or volume-based irrigations
- Time or volume fertigation
- Simple or uniform fertigation
- Sequential or parallel fertigation of multiple fertilizers

4. Irrigation and fertigation recipes
By associating one or more sectors with one or more irrigation recipes, different strategies can be implemented per individual or group of sectors by setting the following options:
- amount of evapotranspiration to be integrated
- efficiency of the irrigation system
- minimum and maximum irrigation time per sector
- minimum time between two successive irrigations
In addition, for fertigation you will be able to indicate nutrient recipes for each fertilizer tank on one or groups of sectors.

Can irrigation be planned using evapotranspiration?
Discover the basic approach used by Irreo for dynamic irrigation
Can irrigation be planned using evapotranspiration?
Discover the basic approach used by Irreo for dynamic irrigation
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